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How you can help to lower emissions and combat climate change?  

The energy we use, how we heat our homes, what we eat, how we manage our waste and our shopping habits all have an impact on the environment. 

The average Island resident produces about eight and a half tonnes of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases ever year. This figure can vary considerably from person to person, with factors like wealth and lifestyle choices playing a huge part. 

We are experiencing the effects of climate change. Extreme heat and droughts, flooding, crop damage and supply chain disruption have all been in headlines around the world and closer to home in 2022. 

To limit these impacts in the future it's important for everyone to consider their carbon footprint and how to reduce it. 

What is your carbon footprint? 

Your carbon footprint it the emissions of greenhouse gases produced as a result of your day to day activities. Inside are some factors which impact your carbon footprint and how to reduce them: 


The average Island resident produces about

8 & a half tonnes

of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases ever year.

Burning fossil fuels, such as natural gas and oil, for heating make up a large proportion of our Island's emissions. Until the transition of our national electricity supply to carbon neutral sources is complete by 2030 the electricity we use contributes to emissions. 

The use of water (especially hot water) also produces emissions because energy is needed to process the water for drinking and to heat it in your home.  

Making changes to reduce our emissions for electricity and heating not only helps the environment but also reduces household bills. 

  • Reduce your emissions (and your bills) from heating by: 
    • Insulating your home and turning down your heating. 
    • Using draught excluders, closing internal doors and installing thick curtains to keep heat in the rooms you're using. 
    • Replace your fossil fuel boiler with a low carbon alternative, such as and air source heat pump.
  • Reduce your electricity use by: 
    • Switching appliances off standby when not in use. 
    • When you replace appliances, chose those with high (eg. A+++) energy efficiency ratings. 
    • Install LED lightbulbs to save around 100kgs of CO2 per year.
  • Reduce your emissions from water use by: 
    • Choosing showers instead of baths and keep showers as short as possible. 
    • Boiling only the amount of water you need. 
    • Installing a 'grey water system' which reuses water from activities like washing for things which don't require drinkable water, like flushing toilets. 

For more information and advice on how you can save energy and money at home visit:


Travel is a huge contributor to our carbon footprints. The type of vehicles you use and how often you use them, both for travelling around the Island and further afield, all contribute. However, making some small changes can be a big win for the environment. 

  • The average car emits 4.6 tonnes of CO2 per year - so try to reduce your car use, particularly taking journeys alone. 
  • Plan your journeys - combine your trips to reduce overall travelling. 
  • Car share - link up with friends or join a lift sharing scheme. 
  • Walk or cycle - physical activity is great for health and wellbeing. 
  • Consider purchasing a comfy back-pack or wheeled bag for shopping trips so you don't need to take your car. 
  • For employees to Cycle to Work scheme offers up to £1,800 towards the cost of buying a bike. 
  • Stay local! Choose a staycation in one of the Island's hotels, holiday homes or glamping sites. 
  • Choosing boat and rail for off-Island travel emits far less carbon dioxide than travelling by plane. 

For more efficient travel advice visit: 

The types of food we eat, how it's produced and where they come from are all factors which contribute to emissions from our diets. 

  • Choose local! Locally produced foods have fewer 'food miles' and therefore lower emissions related to transportation. 
  • Eat foods that are in season - this will enable you to buy foods produced locally or in the UK or Europe rather than further afield, lowering the emissions related to the transportation of your food. 
  • Go back to basics - highly processed foods are not just problematic for health but processing contributes to emissions, so try to avoid them wherever possible. 
  • Plant based food is often lower emission so consider increasing the proportion of them in your diet. Choose locally grown, in season, fruit and veg to reduce food miles. 
  • Healthy peatland stores carbon naturally so when growing your own food (or flowers!), use peat-free compost. 
  • Plan your meals and reuse leftovers for lunches to minimise food waste. 

For more information and advice on efficient food visit: 

How much waste you produce and weather it's recycled, sent to landfill or incinerated impacts emissions. This includes everything you throw away, for example, packing, old clothing and food waste. 

Everything we buy has a carbon footprint of its own - from the sourcing of the raw materials, the energy used for manufacturing and transportation to the final disposal of the item. 

  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - in that order! 
  • Save money and reduce emissions by: 
    • avoiding unnecessary impulse purchases 
    • hire or borrow items you won't use often 
    •  shop second-hand, you can support local charities and bag a bargain at the same time! 
    • Repurpose, repair or upcycle items you already own
  • The fashion and clothing industry account for 10% of global emissions - choose low emission brands or second hand/vintage clothing. 
  • Shop local - locally produced goods have less far to travel and shopping local supports Manx businesses and our economy. 
  • Choose experiences instead of objects - when buying gifts consider supporting local supports Manx businesses and our economy. 
  • Start composting or invest in a wormery - your garden will thank you and you'll save money on buying plant feed and fertilizer. 
  • Choose refillable and reusable - avoid single-use products and packaging where possible.  

For more information and advice on shopping and food waste visit: